Saturday, April 23, 2011

5 weeks (or close enough)

So, I ended up panicking a little bit and had my blood draw on Tuesday afternoon anyway.  I'm just nervous.  I got SUCH an early positive test that it was just weird for me.   Which is why, even though my Fertility Friend says I'm due Dec. 30th, I'm not really worrying about 3 days.   But, I just want to be sure that everything is ok.  And my doc didn't call to tell me the numbers or anything, which is fine, but I'm just sort of hoping that things are ok.

We are presently in Maryland, visiting Jack and Betsy.  It has been very nice so far.  Lots of outlet mall shopping.  I went hog wild at New York and Company, and I am hoping that some of the shirts will hang on for a while.  We also got to tell them in person that I'm pregnant again, which was nice.  We haven't been able to tell them first yet.  So, they got to hear it first.  My parents will hear about it next weekend, I'm sure.  Josh and Kristine, I'm not sure when we will tell them.  I should just tell Kristine on my own, but she might actually figure it out from the lack of information more than anything.  I'm thinking about just texting Kristine my due date and seeing if she doesn't just figure it out.  She will, she's smrt.   I mean, smart.

But, Betsy has been EXTREMELY generous and bought everything!   I have three new pairs of shoes, tons of clothes and 3 pairs of maternity pants and a skirt.  Since we have to dress up now for work, I'm short some clothes in that department.  I'll probably check out Kohl's again this summer too.  I'll need some stuff for fall/winter mainly.

I'm feeling ok -- I'm tired a lot and I'm forcing myself to stay up -- like I probably could have gone to bed about 7pm tonight -- but, that's ok.  Bloated -- I look pregnant already -- and slightly nauseous.  Boobs hurt. The weird part is (and sorry if this is too much to know about me) I am really constipated already.  Very weird and sucky.  

Oh, well.   Onwards and Upwards.

Monday, April 18, 2011

4 weeks, continued

So, I did end up calling the doctor today -- I love going to a smaller practice -- they all know me by now and are THRILLED for us.  :)

So, based on LMP, My current due date is Dec. 27th.  However, since I am most likely a repeat c-section, my delivery date will probably be Dec 20 -- or maybe earlier.  Maybe I can convince him to delivery on Dec. 15th which I think is a Wednesday, and then we wouldn't be coming home on Christmas Eve.  Although...that would be cool too.  I'll have to consider options.  haha  

This is the super relaxed approach to pregnancy -- no beta, no prometrium (for now) and first appt at 8 weeks in May;  May 16th.   First ultrasound sometime in June, I'm thinking, around 11 or 12 weeks.  Then, another at the end of July for the anatomy/gender scan.

I am very tired and sick feeling, so things are looking up to me.  :)

This will probably be public around the end of May or earlier, depending on how sick I feel.  :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

4 weeks

Based on LMP, I am 4 weeks.  

Based on O date, I am only 3 weeks and 2 days.  

So, I am going to keep testing until Wednesday and then call the doctor's office, to see what they want me to do.   I hope it's get a beta and a script for Prometrium (progesterone).  and then, we can go to Maryland.  

I'm excited and scared all at once.  I'm glad things still work as they should, but this is really the very last chance to have a baby this year and then it's a whole other year of paying for that stupid expensive insurance.  

I feel very positive about all of this though.   There's nothing to worry about really.  It is what it is.