Thursday, December 22, 2011

First time in 37 years

That doctor was wrong about the gender. I have an ultrasound report that states that my second child's external genitalia was "normal female" -- I have an actual child whose external genitalia is CLEARLY normal male. haha

So, Maxwell Rufus was born on Dec 20 instead of Lily.

What can you do?

He is SO cute and I feel like I know SO much more, because I've done this before. :)

He looks very much like his brother.

Ryan and Max.

For comparison:


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Super Cranky

If I could have elected to have my RCS on Friday, I would have. I am totally and completely done now. I can be totally wiped out while she's on the outside, frankly. If I could try to convince my doc to move up the section to Friday at my appt tomorrow, I probably would. Maybe fate will do it for me. Although, I don't feel terrible, I am just finished.

My week off has been really unproductive frankly. I got nothing done yesterday, because I had a sinus headache that my body was trying to fight off all day -- FINALLY it kicked in at 2:30am, so I had to take sudafed for that and wait for it to work. Felt better today, but I am STILL having to nap in the afternoon -- it is ridiculous. I don't want to nap, I just want to get my shit done and relax. I have a ton of sewing left to do and it's really annoying to me at this point. Plus, I can do a lot of it when she's here. She won't be in her room for a while -- I think Ryan moved to his room around 10 weeks or so? I can't quite remember. I should just go back and read old blog posts, I'm sure I wrote it down somewhere.

Last doc appt tomorrow at 1pm. Then, just have to get through the weekend until Tuesday. Seems like frickin' forever. I can't imagine how I would feel if I didn't have the end point. Maybe I would be less cranky. I doubt it. Every kick and push is quite painful now. If I could guaranty a boy, I might have another. This girl pregnancy has been quite sucky, IMO. I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end. Just getting impatient.

My Christmas cards are almost done and I did wrap presents. Just a few more to wrap -- for my parents. I still have to finish decorating for Christmas (just will wait until the weekend now) and otherwise, all I have to do is sew then. Not so bad.

This weekend will probably be a big exercise in getting the house picked up one more time, for the holidays. Ryan's toys need to go to the basement, the desk needs to be moved into his room, temporarily, and the chair from downstairs needs to come up temporarily. We also need to buy door knobs for the doors downstairs, so they close properly. But, the little boys can run around downstairs on Christmas without doing too much wreckage then. And the chair comes up so there's a few more places to sit on Christmas day in the living room. And frankly, I just want all the toys downstairs anyway, so it's a good thing to me. We'll set things back to straight eventually.

The plan is for Dad to pick Ryan up on Tuesday from daycare and probably come see us in the hospital and then spend the night with them. I think the rest of the week, Jake can just have him sleep at home like normal. My mom can always come to the hospital in his place, so he can work. I want to try to keep things fairly normal for Ryan...I mean, it's a big deal, having a new baby, so to keep his routines close to the same is important to me. Except for the part where Daddy will be putting him to bed instead of me. That will be interesting. At least I won't be there to interfere. Jake just has a strange tendency to use a whiny tone of voice with Ryan when he's trying to get him to do something and then just goes straight to anger. Oh well, it will all work out the way it's supposed to work, right?

Alright, time for bed. I'm finally tired. Peace out

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

38 weeks

I was just reviewing my blog from Ryan, to see if I was this miserable and annoyed when I was 38 weeks with Ryan -- turns out -- yes, I was! LOL

Good thing I don't have to wait for labor this time -- I just get to go have her removed. haha

Done with working finally -- last Friday was my last day, which was a good decision, because I don't think that I could have done another week. I don't know how people work right up until they have their kids, even if they have to. I was so irritable with everything and everyone that I couldn't take another second of work.

Haven't done much so far this week -- was home with Ryan on Monday, so that day was a no-go for getting anything done. Today, I started Christmas cards, but I just have felt so yucky today that I just want to lay on the couch and sleep -- and I have SO much stuff to get done still. dang it! There is always tomorrow. I have 4 more days home without Ryan (and two weekend days). I still have to finish decorating for Christmas, wrap presents, finish Christmas cards, clean up the bedroom upstairs (there are f-ing clothes EVERYWHERE), and sewing my stuff that I need to finish for Lily.

Also, pack my bag for the hospital, but I will probably do that Tuesday morning, right before we leave, since lots of stuff will be last minute to throw in the bag anyway.

So, at this point -- every kick is totally painful and I'm pretty miserable. haha I'm such a sad sack. Whoop! The boys are home.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hey Hey! It's December!

Man, I'm not going to remember a thing with this baby -- I never post!

Dec 1 -- almost done with work! today, tomorrow and then the next week and donzo! until Feb 20th! Woo! Someone at work asked me if I was all ready or if I still needed stuff. So that got me thinking -- I'm ok in the equipment department. We have the crib, the changing table, the rocker, the swing, the bouncer -- all from Ryan still, so that's not a problem. The room is sparsely decorated, but I'm sort of waiting for my week off to do that part -- it's hard to do work in the evenings at this point. I also have a TON of sewing to do that week off too.

But, I went through clothes and you know...I don't really have a lot of newborn/3 month regular clothes for her. Sleepers -- I'm pretty ok on. I could always use more, but I can get by on what I have. It was very weird. Like, I haven't really bought anything, b/c people where telling me that they wanted to shop, which is fine, and I was sort of waiting until she's here to see how big she is. But, frankly, I make small kids. I think it has been forgotten that Ryan was 6 pounds at birth and was in the newborn size FOREVER. Like he followed the size charts straight on. 0-3 months was newborn, 3-6 months was 3 month, etc etc. I'm not expecting anything less from this kiddo. So, basically, I'm worried about having enough clothes for her. But, since family will be in town for the holidays, I'm not super worried about getting more either. It was just sort of weird and people gifted me a lot of bigger sizes. Which is great. But, I won't be using them until March or later. I need some clothes for now, which I didn't realize until I actually went through my stuff.

I'm trying to get my repeat C scheduled for Monday, Dec 19th, which they will hopefully do this upcoming week and tell me at my next appt (which is Dec 8) -- I'm down to the weekly ones now! I'm going to ask that they schedule it this week and let me know at the next appt, so I can get everything with someone to watch Ryan and figure that jazz out with a week's notice, instead of like 3 days. I think that my Mom will probably be watching him that Monday -- if we are following the same schedule we have been this fall/winter, but we shall see.

That's the low down. Ready to be done, but not all at the same time. Very strange. This is in all likelyhood the last time I will ever be pregnant. I feel like I didn't get to enjoy it. Between nausea, dehydration, weird contractions, etc and just being tired ALL THE TIME, I didn't ever have a day where I really liked it. This one was tough. I think that I like being pregnant with the boys better than the girls. Ryan was a breeze. :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

31, 32 Weeks

Nothing much going on around here with Lily!

Turned 32 last week -- Jake helped out more and I got some nice gifts, so that was great! Including, sweet new iPhone! Life is complete now. haha

Had my next doc appt -- which was shorter than the one he had to leave for the previous time. Sort of frustrating, but I'll survive. I was sort of having some weird cramping by that time, but nothing consistent. But, Sunday, I must have just done too much when I was tired, because I had a really painful Braxton Hicks contraction and then they were pretty much around Monday and Tuesday -- I ended up at home Monday afternoon and at the doctor by Tuesday. BP was fine, urine was fine. Lily was fine and nothing was going on -- no dilation and she's not anywhere close to being down low. So, I just slept both afternoons and by Wednesday, I was doing much better. I still have them every once and a while, but nothing like Monday and Tuesday. Weirdness.

So, I have my ultrasound to re-check the placenta previa on Wednesday at 3pm. I'm also going to ask the tech very nicely if he/she can see if Lily is still Lily. I don't want no surprises. But, after that, I have an appt on the 17th to discuss...I want to know about scheduling the c-section. My next appt after that would be Dec 1st and then weekly after that, I believe.

I am sort of miserable by the end of the day. This one has been all aches and pains. Ryan -- I just sailed on through. This time, not so much. So, I'm definitely two and out. :)

Finally, I actually did some sewing this week! Finished a cuddle fleece blanket and one burp cloth. Lots more to go! :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

30 weeks

Whoops! Missed a few weeks there.

Nothing fabulous to report anyway. My last doc appt was cut short by the fact that another patient was in labor out at Waukesha Memorial and he had to run out there. I think I was his last appt that day, which was ok. He said most people would be upset, but you seem to be taking it well...what else would I do? Can't be helped!

BP was good -- growth was good. Up to 228 lbs I think. Total gain of around 13, so that's good. My belly was measuring 29 weeks and I was 28.5, so close enough.

I figured I really didn't have anything to talk about until my next appt anyway -- have to schedule the recheck on the placenta previa and the growth scan on Lily -- I think they call it a biophyshical profile...but I might be wrong. I just want to be sure that she's growing appropriately -- but, considering that I feel WAY bigger than I did with Ryan, I think we are ok here.

I assume that that last ultrasound will be in early November -- around 32 - 33 weeks. Fine with me! Then, we talk about scheduling Mr. C Section. I'm aiming for Dec 19 or 20. I wish I could go Dec 16 and be in the hospital over the weekend, but oh well. No elective c sections prior to 39 weeks, which...ok fine. My last day is Dec 16th at work anyway, for now. No reason to think that it wouldn't be.

I'll leave you with this pic of me from tonight. Enjoy.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

26 weeks

We continue to roll along!

I do not have Gestational Diabetes (Diabetus?) this time either -- I was sort of worried about it, but I think that I just have a messed up digestive system this time around. Bloodwork was fine too, so, as I said on Facebook, I'm just a tired, tired pregnant lady with a 2 year old. And a husband. haha

Heartburn has really started pretty good now. I don't think that I've gained too much weight either -- people keep telling me that I either look "skinnier" or that I am looking good. Oh, well. I am not trying to lose weight, and my growth is good, so I'm ok. :) My OB isn't worried.

So, I'm just trying to make it through the weeks. Work is work -- it sucks and that is that. I'm trying to teach the "new" girl (who has been working for 7 months now) some of my stuff and that is not going so great, but the real problem is that she needs to get her shit together. And I know this, because she told me. So, I am sort of worried about that a bit. Otherwise, it's just my job. I can do it, I'm pretty good at it, but is it what I set out to do in life? Probably not.

I am trying to get my projects at least started -- lots of sewing projects. I'll probably take pics when finished. The room just needs it's touch ups and then I can start putting up decor. I'm not sure what I will do, but I did get some brown vinyl that goes on the walls for that sort of decoration. I also bought a music cricut cartridge, so I know there will be music related decor in the room. I'm just not sure what yet.

It just takes all my energy to do my jobs keeping the house clean, so you's just a slow process to get everything going. Plus, summer is SO busy around here. Fall is almost here...well, is here as of today, I think, so things are slowing down. A few more busy weeks here and then, just football on Sundays!

Jake has a gig this weekend on Saturday, so that kind of blows the whole weekend in a way. Next Thursday, we will be making the trip to Eau Claire and then onto Duluth, MN for johnseb's wedding on Sept 30th. I'm really looking forward to that and we are taking Ryan, so that should be fun. Jake is also helping G.Nate move that weekend and then we have a quick trip to GB the weekend after. The busy is almost done! :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

24 Week appt

woke up with vertigo this morning -- thought I wasn't going to be able to get out of bed, but I moved very slowly I was ok. I just felt really hungover (without the drinking). And then I threw up. That was not fun. haha

So, I made it to work and got my stuff done and went to the Settlement Team meeting. I went to y doc appt early, since I knew that I wasn't going to make it through the whole day anyway. BP was good, baby was good, tummy growth was good. Only gained 2 pounds and nothing in my urine.

So, I'm not sure what the deal is. I was better during the day today, but as the sun is going down, I'm starting to get dizzier. So, that sort of sucks. I'm going to determine about work tomorrow when I wake up. Perhaps I will be fine tomorrow morning and no big deal! Or I'll be dizzy and stay home. No reason to get in the car again and drive to work. A day of rest would help anyway.

So, nothing new to report -- have to do the GD test in the next couple of weeks and I'm also going to have my blood checked to check my counts and my thyroid. I was a-ok in January, but we'll check again.

Oh, I know -- he finally had the ultrasound report in hand and my placenta is covering my cervix, so that will need to be re-checked -- probably between 32 and 34 weeks, I would think. Sometime in Nov to see if it's resolved itself. I'll have to go to the hospital for that one, since Dr. Herrmann (the ultrasound guy) retired. But, that's ok -- I'm also going to ask that they check the growth of Miss Lily at the same time. Kill two birds with one ultrasound. haha

I had similar concerns with Ryan and I didn't push hard enough to have him checked and sure enough -- he was rather smallish. So, I'm not letting it go this time. :)

So, just keep plugging away here! I'll have my next appt in October, then another in Nov and that's probably when I'll get sent to check all that stuff out. I'll probably ask more definitively in October. I was too tired to talk about it today, frankly.

Got some of Lily's room done -- two walls painted pink and I just have to do the touch ups with the white paint now. Maybe Jake will have to. :) Nail some letters to the wall too. I have to think of more decorations. She has lots of walls to put crap on. haha

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

24 weeks

Whoops! Losing track of time again!

So, everything is still going well -- next appt is Thursday. I'm sure that I will have to do the orange drink test in the next month. Weight continues to be odd. I definitely am losing weight in other places, but my belly is growing. My appetite continues to be strange. Some days -- no problem eating. Other days, not so much. I have to force myself to eat and even then, it's not that much. Today is one of those days, for instance. I almost think it's related to my state of mind.

I have been feeling very down lately and things are kind of a struggle for me again. I hate feeling this way. I don't like feeling like I have to power through life. I would rather just be able to do things without it being hard. Just have to work it out. I think the easiest solution that I have found so far, is to get some quiet time -- just for me. Now that Jake is done being busy for the summer, it should be easier, I hope. :)

Good days and bad days, you know?

Lily is kicking up a storm. She's a lot lower than Ryan ever was, so think that I look bigger than I did at this point with Ryan, but I also feel like I am still on the smaller side for being 24 weeks preggers. :) She rolls a lot too -- or at least, that's what it feels like to me. I have actually reached "viability" now, so if, god forbid, she was born early, she might have a chance to survive at this point. I'll be in the third tri in just a couple of weeks. Only 15-16 more weeks to go.

Someone asked me today if I was enjoying it more, now that I wasn't so sick. The truth: No. I hate being pregnant. I really, really do. It's just a necessary evil. I feel terrible saying that, as there are SO many women in the world that have trouble and they don't deserve it - nobody does! So, I try not to complain about things, but good gosh, I hate it. haha Plus, I am still sick to my stomach every day -- I don't think it will go away until I give birth. That's what mint gum is for, right?

I do have belly pics, I should share. :)

I think this was 12 weeks:

This was 16 weeks.

I have twenty and twenty four somewhere...I'll put them up in the next post -- I'm sure that I will post after my doc appt. Actually, I promise to (just for you Becky!)

Oh, and in case anyone is interested, Jake, Ryan and I will be in Eau Claire on Sept 29 and Oct 1 (we will be in Duluth the day in between). I suspect a trip to El Patio will happen. I'm not sure how Ryan will do with all the weirdness, but he's coming with us. I want him to meet the people that I like that live far away! :)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

21 weeks

Nothing new to report here.  I finally got the ultrasound report copy from the retired doctor (not my OB).   I think what I have is marginal placenta previa, so I'm not too worried.  It's not covering up anything, it's just RIGHT THERE.   So, no big deal for now.   If it becomes a big deal, then it is.   :)

I did end up buying a few things for Lily.   I didn't go crazy or anything.   Plus, I'm not really sure what I'm going to need vs. not need.   I had a summer baby the first time.   This trying to think about winter in the middle of August confuses and scares me.   :)  But, I went through Ryan's old baby clothes and found stuff that I thought would work for her in the long run, pulled out stuff that I don't care about keeping and am saving the rest.   I'm undecided if I will ever have more or not.   I just don't know if I want to do this again.  

I don't know if it's being pregnant with a girl or being pregnant when over 30.   I just feel like this was much easier at age 28/29 than 31/32.  I certainly don't think of myself as being 31, but the reality is that I AM.   So, I'm just not sure about doing it again or not.   It just seems very final to say -- DONE!

Of course, after this one, we have a lot of monetary work to do to get back to even.   We are in a much better place than we were with Ryan, but it will take work still.   I would think that by 2014, we should be down to very little revolving debt and left with just the mortgage and the student loans.   Minimal revolving debt is what I am going for now.

We did put Ryan into a big boy bed and he really loves it -- this is MUCH more successful than last year.   Huzzah!   (I'm from the 1800's now).  We got my old day bed from my mom and dad and an old dresser of theirs, which has drawers and shelves for storage and totally rocks.   I haven't even filled it with everything yet.   I'm trying to decide what to do with it.   It's almost too much.   :)  

But, the crib went into the back room along with anything I'm holding onto for Lily.   No more desk back there.   The filing cabinet went upstairs and the desk is sitting by the bay window, next to the dishwasher, which I actually like.  I have to clean it out and organize it, so I can use it for work, but it's really nice being there.   Our tiny little house isn't too bad -- everything just has to be cozy.   And we still have a guest bed upstairs, which is really awesome as far as I'm concerned.   That's bedroom #4.  

As soon as things get cleaned up a lot more, I will post pics of the new arrangements -- it will probably be on facebook, for sure.   :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another 20 week update

Just because I went to my OB today - the appt was very reassuring.

Weight is back up -- gained the weight I lost and 2 lbs, so I'm not doing too bad this time.   Just gotta watch it -- not that I want to diet, but I suppose that I can cut back on the candy and sweets -- gives me heartburn anyway!  
I've gained about 7 lbs so far.   Not too terrible.

Heartbeat was good -- Lily even punched the doppler a few times for good measure.   Blood pressure was good and size is good, so everything is coming up Milhouse!  

Talked about the placenta previa a bit;  he agrees that if Dr. Herrmann thinks it will resolve, then it will.  So, I think that we will probably go have a repeat ultrasound somewhere between 32-36 weeks to make sure the placenta is out of the way.   OF COURSE, none of this really matters, as I'm having the c section anyway, but it will also be a good chance to make sure that Lily is growing appropriately -- which I also asked about.   Ryan was really almost off the growth charts at birth for weight and that was sort of troubling to me.  But, there's nothing that I can do about it, so it is what it is.  But, having a growth check with Lily will make me feel better about leaving her in there.   If she's going to do better on the outside (as Ryan did), then she should come out when it's safe for her.   Or something like that.

The other reassuring thing that Dr. Stadler said was this:   Well, if Dr. Herrmann said it was a girl, he's never wrong.   lol   sweet.   I have fears.   :)    But, he was very crushed that Dr. H is retiring and it's something to do with his health -- he's not retiring because it's time.   Good doctors don't ever retire, I think.   They practice medicine until they can't physically do it anymore.   And I'm said, because the office was so close to home and he had mad memory skillz.   Crazy German Memory.   haha;  He was the last private ultrasound guy in the city too, and a geneticist to boot, so he knew it all.  It's very sad.   I almost hope that he will recover enough that he can keep doing some of it in the future.  

So, I'm definitely thinking pink more positively now -- I don't feel worried that all of a sudden "she" will be a "he".   Not that it would be a big deal, but that would be a lot of effort wasted!   haha   I'm so lazy.

Now, the big task is to start moving crap around the house, so things end up where they are supposed to be -- first off, all the crap in the back room needs to find a home upstairs.   Then, we will be in buisness.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lillian Elise (20 weeks)

It's a girl!   Think about all the pink stuff!!!   :)

So, I get to have my Lily this time.

I'm going to be honest about it -- it's a lot like starting over from scratch.   All I know is boys.   26 months of boy, boy, boy.   I'm comfortable with that.   This is will way out the comfy zone for me.   But, that's ok -- gotta adapt!

She was looking great -- no problems that the doctor saw, and she was measuring pretty much right on time.   So, those are all good things.

I, however, continue to cause trouble.   I have placenta previa this time -- meaning my placenta is in the wrong spot, essentially.   It should be closer to the top and it's pretty low right now.   The doctor thought it would resolve itself by the end, but I am fairly sure that I will need another ultrasound sometime in the 28-32 week range.   It can be serious, because it involves third trimester bleeding, but luckily, I have had none so far.  Let's keep it that way.  But, if it doesn't resolve and there is bleeding, it can lead to bed rest and hospitalization and early delivery and all that jazz.   I am just hoping things stay normal.

But, my next doc appt is on Thursday, so I guess I will find out more at that point.   It would help to get the ultrasound report, because those always tell me stuff that I didn't hear during the appt!   :)  Such as:  at the 13 week ultrasound, I didn't even hear him say that my placenta was anterior.  

I do feel some kicking, but it's not a whole lot -- that placenta is in the way and it's a big padded cushion.   So, I continue to wait to feel the serious kicks.   She is also breech right now -- head up -- so, most of the kicks are way down by my hip.

I wish I had more to say, but by this time of night -- I'm beat!   haha

I do have 30% off to Kohl's this week, so I might be making a few purchases.   :)   In pink, of course.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thoughts on Weight

So, the other thing that I didn't write in my last post was that I lost 3.5 pounds in about 3 weeks.   My last appt was June 30 and my next was July 21.   I have another in 3 weeks on Aug 11.

My doctor didn't seem super concerned, but he did ask about it.   I think that he thought that I had lost 3.5 pounds this week (which I didn't).   I know this because I weighed myself on a scale at Kristine's mom's house and I knew I was only 216 in the middle of the day.   In June, I was around 220.  

Now, I have quite enough to be starting with in the weight dept, so that's not a big concern now, but my bigger issue is that I'm not going to be able to stay healthy.   The baby will just suck out whatever it needs, but I might suffer from it.  I am taking vitamins (just children's chewable), but I just worry.   It's not that I'm not eating, but I just can't eat that much and I don't have too much of an appetite.

So, anyone have any thoughts?   I'm concerned that I'm going to lose weight again in the next 3 weeks and then I will get talked at.   But, I'm overweight to begin with, so, I don't know if it's a super big deal -- I'm not dieting and losing weight on purpose, it's just happening.  

I never thought I'd have the day where I was worried about losing weight, but there it is!   :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

WHOA! Weeks 14, 15, 16, 17

Wow!   What did I miss here!   Geez!

So, nothing exciting going on here anyway.   The nausea has finally, FINALLY, left.   It took until 16 weeks.  So, I was sick from 6 weeks to 16 weeks.   Ugh!   I did throw up one morning, because I stood too long over the diaper pail.   Oops!  

Getting bigger in the belly area.   Moved entirely to maternity clothes, pretty much.   It's just easier.

This is the exciting week, I guess.   I probably did too much this past weekend and then we walked to Dairy Queen last night in the heat (DUMB DUMB DUMB) and then today, I started to have some mild cramping.  So, I've been drinking a lot of water and laying in my Lazyboy chair in the living room and it has been much better.   But, lesson learned.   You are not Superman.

Nothing else new to report though.   Just trying to get nursery ideas and waiting for my follow up ultrasound at 20 weeks to find out if it's QMA or EAI.   haha   My favorite joke ever!

We also have names picked out finally.   Well, we had a girls name, of course, from before.  But, now we have a boy name.   I don't remember if I said it here or not.   I don't think so.

Girl:   Lillian Elise
Boy:  Maxwell Rufus

I don't know what I want at this point -- I don't think I care.   Healthy would be awesome!   A girl would be nice and a boy, so Ryan has a brother, would be ok too.   I'm not picky at this point.  

I'm also trying to decide if I can take the whole 12 weeks I get from FMLA or not;   I think that I might be able to this time -- because I get paid semi-monthy instead of bi-weekly, I will have a little bit on each paycheck to tide us over.   I just need to calculate daycare and the structuring of my benefits in the reduced paychecks.   It would be awesome.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

13 weeks

Hey Second Trimester!   Good bye nausea!   Hello Energy!

Now, that I'm done in fantasy land, I will say that the first tri went by very fast and I hope the second is just as fast.  Let it be known that I am not a fan of pregnancy.   It is a means to an end, frankly.   I want my own children, then I pay the piper.

I am still very, very tired by 7pm, but that might be because of the 2 year old and it being summer.  Jake did pick up a lot of the slack in the first tri, but now that I am feeling ok more or less, I have been doing more things with the boy and around the house.  It's getting better.  The nausea is still worse at night, but I think at this point, it's just the tired that is the biggest factor.  My belly is also starting to stick out too.  A month or so earlier than last time.  I think I was still hanging onto my regular jeans until 15 or 16 weeks and I've been in maternity pants since 10 weeks this time.  But, I started out about 10-15 pounds heavier this time too, so there's always that factor.

You know, I was just reading my other blog, from Ryan.  I was still feeling sick well into week 15, so maybe this isn't so different than last time.  Huh!   Interesting.  Maybe I should not worry so much about the fact that I still feel terrible.  And maybe this one is a boy too.   All I can say is:  Huh!  

You know, this time, I don't care either way.   If it's a boy, super, because I'll have a ton of clothes that I can try to salvage and boy stuff galore.   And if it's a girl, that's great too.   The only part I dread is picking out a name.  Jake likes two names, and one isn't even ours to use really.   Max and Beckett are the only two on the list and Josh and Kristine currently have the user rights to Beckett.   So, there's some thinking that needs to happen here.   I do like Max though.   Max Power!   lol  

Had the ultrasound on Monday -- It went really well.  That doctor is so funny.   So German.  haha
Everything is so far, so good.  The doctor knew my dates this time, as I actually have an LMP this time, so by dates, I should have bee 12 weeks, 6 days and Baby was measuring 13 weeks, 1 day, so I'm right on time.     Baby was moving around and practicing swallowing and stuff.   It kept putting it's hands by it's face and the swallowing looked like talking.  It was pretty funny.   It was very baby-like at this point too, which was fun to see.   I still have to scan in the pics, but all-in-all, things went really well.

My next appt is Thursday at 4:45.   I figure that we can talk about c-section dates at that appt.  I'm sort of shooting for Dec 16th, mostly because it's a Friday and I can spend the weekend in the hospital.  But, if that's too early, Dec 19th is also fine.  I figure I'll have to be waiting until 20 weeks for the anatomy scan (which we sort of did, but 13 weeks is too early to check the heart and the brain all the way...and the sex, of course!), so that will probably be around the beginning of August.

Fun times!

Monday, June 13, 2011

For Kristine (10, 11, 12 weeks)

And mostly because I have missed three weeks of updating, which should tell you how awesome I have been feeling.  You might have gotten wind of it from my status updates, complaining about wanting to die around 5pm every day.

I can't begin to tell you how different this time is from Ryan.  Partially because without his blog, I wouldn't remember jack squat.  With Ryan boy, I was sick from about 7 weeks until around 11 weeks, but I had good spells here and there.   With Ryan boy, I wanted cheeseburgers day and night.  Red meat.  MORE!!!!   Carnivore!

This time:  sick started at 6 weeks and continues.  Today is the first day where I felt sort of normal all day.  The early start was due to zoloft -- when I stopped taking it, the illness got much, much better, but was still present.  I start the day feeling great and by the end of work/getting home time, I just want to curl up and sleep until the next morning.   I don't know if the tired is feeding the nausea or if it's the other way around, but my gut instinct is that the tired is feeding the nausea, because once I sleep, I have a tendency to feel better.

With this one, I want nothing to do with burgers, hot dogs, bacon, etc. etc.   Keep it away from me.  Carbs is where it's at.  Mac n Cheese, Potatoes, Chips, etc. etc.   I would rather eat chicken than a cheeseburger -- I have been eating them, out of habit, but I really have to force them down.  Pizza is my BFF right now.

I ate a lot of fruit with both, so that doesn't really mean anything, other than I love me some fruit.

We found the heartbeat at my 10 week appt, which was awesome!   The latest he put my due date was Dec. 30 at that point, which I agree with a bit more than Dec 26 or 27.   He said that I could get an "early" ultrasound or wait until 20 weeks.   I would like to see my little one, so I opted for early ultrasound.  Turns out that he uses the same geneticist that did Ryan's anatomy scan.

So, I have an appt with Dr. Herrmann at 2:30 next Monday.   I have a feeling that it will actually be a NT scan, to check for any genetic issues with the baby at this point.   As I stated after my last appt:  When I have a heartbeat at 10 weeks, I end up with a living child.  So, I am feeling nothing but positive right now.  Of course, I still feel terrible too, so that helps.  I am sort of hoping that I might be far enough along that he might be able to take a guess at the sex at this ultrasound.  Of course, I can wait until August for the next one, but I am SOOOOO impatient!  

So, in a nutshell:  Mint gum is my BFF right now, to keep my stomach under control; keep the red meat away from me or I will spit on you, and ultrasound in one week!   I'll be back with pictures then!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

9 weeks

It's offical:  My zoloft was making my nausea like 10 times worse than Ryan, and I thought it was bad with Ryan.  I pretty much was unable to function by the end of the day.  So, I saw my doc and we started the weaning process.  And during the weaning process was really when I learned how bad my nausea was from zoloft.   So, I pretty much have just stopped taking it.  I mean, if I start getting nutty again, I will probably take half a pill a day, but I am thinking that I will be ok.

The symptoms this time are very strange and DIFFERENT!   I know that they say every pregnancy is different, but it's really true.   The first two:  nothing, not sick, not anything.  And, we know how those ended.  Ryan:  very sick from like 7 weeks until about 11 or 12.  This one:  sick almost right away -- like 6 weeks through present.  But, it's different.  Like, I want to eat, but I have that sour stomach feeling all the time.  So, I end up eating a lot of things during the day to make it go away.  So, far, I have been pretty healthy about it, but the past couple days, artichoke dip cravings have raised their head (which, frankly, is really a craving for eating cream cheese.  I would eat that stuff straight up...and I do sometimes).  So, I indulge.   I swear, once I am past hearing the heartbeat and seeing my little bean on the ultrasound screen, I will try to exercise.  Promise!

But, overall, everything was earlier than with Ryan and stronger, for lack of a better term.   Maybe it's a girl.   Who knows!

Second doc appt on Thursday -- we are trying to hear the h/b through my tummy again (which it's too early and I'm too large and in charge in the stomach area) and I think then he will give me orders for an ultrasound, just to check dates.   And if not, then I will request one.  I'm not waiting for 20 weeks.   I also have plans to ask about growth checks with this one.   Ryan was so tiny, I'm just wary of having a second tiny tot.  I think he was starving.
And frankly, if he blows me off about it, or doesn't seem all that concerned, I will probably be transferring my care or at least getting a second opinion.  He seems to blow off my concerns sometimes.   Plus, I get tired of having to drive hither and yon for my tests.  I'd rather just go to WAM and have a one stop shop.

Yeah, yeah, I know:  I've said it before.   The trouble I have walking away is because he is a really excellent surgeon.  And when you are doing c section two, I would prefer the OB who is an excellent surgeon.  So, I talk a big game, but when it really comes down to it, he does have a lot of experience with these things and probably knows best.   And he knows when to just listen to me and let me come in for a NST when I'm a week overdue and having weird ass contractions/early labor.  Esp when my child fails said NST.  and then he's delivered.

So, all in all, I'm feeling slightly better, I'm still really tired all the time, and I still have the usually preggo symptoms.   Tally ho!

Friday, May 20, 2011

8 weeks

Had my first appt.  Total bust on finding the heartbeat in the office.  I got back June 2, at 10 weeks.  I don't think that we'll find it then either, but maybe I'll be surprised.  I think that I'll probably be having an ultrasound in the second week of June.

I believe that the sort of my ending nausea was my Zoloft.   One of the side effects is nausea.  Perhaps in pregnancy, it's worse.  So, I experimented yesterday, and it's much, much better today.   I even ate.  I ate too much, but I ate.   Panera was AWESOME!!!!

Nothing much else to say.   This one is rolling along, easy breezy.

Sort of weird, after all the madness of the first three times.

Monday, May 9, 2011

7 weeks

I'm undecided if I'm going to post on my regular blog yet or not;  I think that I'll give it a couple more weeks.

10 weeks and I'll make it public.

Based on how I feel, I could just do it now.

I started Zofran today, for the nausea.  It got really, really bad over the weekend.  Like, I could barely function.  Which, I TOTALLY remember the last time.  Ugh!   So, I called the Dr. for the prescription today.  And Jake ran it over to me at work and I took my pill -- and it worked right away and I was thrilled!!

So, I actually got to eat two regular meals today.  Thrilling!  

The only bad thing was that I was sick for Mother's Day and I missed my annual pigging out at Broach Irish Pub for breakfast.  :(  Maybe next year.   Or maybe Jake and I will have to run over there by ourselves some morning.  A breakfast date or something.  :)

So, nothing new to report this week otherwise.  The feeling sick is great, because it is very much like what happened with Ryan.   Hooray!

I have a feeling that this one is a boy too -- I want the same exact things to eat as with Ryan.  Burgers, Gatorade, Cereal, Subs, etc. etc. etc.     So, now I have to think of boy names again.  I'm taking suggestions! :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

6 weeks

The nausea, she has arrived.  Ugh!

I don't know what to eat to make it go away here.  I think that I'm going to have to take extra B6 vitamins or a girl on my DDC board recommended ginger root capsules or something.

I got my betas back from the doc:
4/19: 47.9
4/28: 2,606

This equals a doubling time of around 37.48 hours, and my doc, I think, likes it to double every 3 days.  And this is every day and a half!   Which is how Ryan went, so I am VERY positive.   Almost positive enough to blog on the other blog about it.  I think that I will wait a bit though.   Just because.

I assume that under the same doubling time and even a bit slower, I am around 12-16,000 for HCG levels right now, which is great to me!  Everything can go ok with this one, as far as I am concerned.

My first doc appt is May 19th at 4:45pm and then I think they will send over the orders for an ultrasound around 10-12 weeks.  Which, I am thrilled for, because the pics are much more baby like at that point.  I am sort of hoping that I can have it on May 31st, but he might want me to wait longer.  Which is ok too.

Until next week!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

5 weeks (or close enough)

So, I ended up panicking a little bit and had my blood draw on Tuesday afternoon anyway.  I'm just nervous.  I got SUCH an early positive test that it was just weird for me.   Which is why, even though my Fertility Friend says I'm due Dec. 30th, I'm not really worrying about 3 days.   But, I just want to be sure that everything is ok.  And my doc didn't call to tell me the numbers or anything, which is fine, but I'm just sort of hoping that things are ok.

We are presently in Maryland, visiting Jack and Betsy.  It has been very nice so far.  Lots of outlet mall shopping.  I went hog wild at New York and Company, and I am hoping that some of the shirts will hang on for a while.  We also got to tell them in person that I'm pregnant again, which was nice.  We haven't been able to tell them first yet.  So, they got to hear it first.  My parents will hear about it next weekend, I'm sure.  Josh and Kristine, I'm not sure when we will tell them.  I should just tell Kristine on my own, but she might actually figure it out from the lack of information more than anything.  I'm thinking about just texting Kristine my due date and seeing if she doesn't just figure it out.  She will, she's smrt.   I mean, smart.

But, Betsy has been EXTREMELY generous and bought everything!   I have three new pairs of shoes, tons of clothes and 3 pairs of maternity pants and a skirt.  Since we have to dress up now for work, I'm short some clothes in that department.  I'll probably check out Kohl's again this summer too.  I'll need some stuff for fall/winter mainly.

I'm feeling ok -- I'm tired a lot and I'm forcing myself to stay up -- like I probably could have gone to bed about 7pm tonight -- but, that's ok.  Bloated -- I look pregnant already -- and slightly nauseous.  Boobs hurt. The weird part is (and sorry if this is too much to know about me) I am really constipated already.  Very weird and sucky.  

Oh, well.   Onwards and Upwards.

Monday, April 18, 2011

4 weeks, continued

So, I did end up calling the doctor today -- I love going to a smaller practice -- they all know me by now and are THRILLED for us.  :)

So, based on LMP, My current due date is Dec. 27th.  However, since I am most likely a repeat c-section, my delivery date will probably be Dec 20 -- or maybe earlier.  Maybe I can convince him to delivery on Dec. 15th which I think is a Wednesday, and then we wouldn't be coming home on Christmas Eve.  Although...that would be cool too.  I'll have to consider options.  haha  

This is the super relaxed approach to pregnancy -- no beta, no prometrium (for now) and first appt at 8 weeks in May;  May 16th.   First ultrasound sometime in June, I'm thinking, around 11 or 12 weeks.  Then, another at the end of July for the anatomy/gender scan.

I am very tired and sick feeling, so things are looking up to me.  :)

This will probably be public around the end of May or earlier, depending on how sick I feel.  :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

4 weeks

Based on LMP, I am 4 weeks.  

Based on O date, I am only 3 weeks and 2 days.  

So, I am going to keep testing until Wednesday and then call the doctor's office, to see what they want me to do.   I hope it's get a beta and a script for Prometrium (progesterone).  and then, we can go to Maryland.  

I'm excited and scared all at once.  I'm glad things still work as they should, but this is really the very last chance to have a baby this year and then it's a whole other year of paying for that stupid expensive insurance.  

I feel very positive about all of this though.   There's nothing to worry about really.  It is what it is.