woke up with vertigo this morning -- thought I wasn't going to be able to get out of bed, but I moved very slowly I was ok. I just felt really hungover (without the drinking). And then I threw up. That was not fun. haha
So, I made it to work and got my stuff done and went to the Settlement Team meeting. I went to y doc appt early, since I knew that I wasn't going to make it through the whole day anyway. BP was good, baby was good, tummy growth was good. Only gained 2 pounds and nothing in my urine.
So, I'm not sure what the deal is. I was better during the day today, but as the sun is going down, I'm starting to get dizzier. So, that sort of sucks. I'm going to determine about work tomorrow when I wake up. Perhaps I will be fine tomorrow morning and no big deal! Or I'll be dizzy and stay home. No reason to get in the car again and drive to work. A day of rest would help anyway.
So, nothing new to report -- have to do the GD test in the next couple of weeks and I'm also going to have my blood checked to check my counts and my thyroid. I was a-ok in January, but we'll check again.
Oh, I know -- he finally had the ultrasound report in hand and my placenta is covering my cervix, so that will need to be re-checked -- probably between 32 and 34 weeks, I would think. Sometime in Nov to see if it's resolved itself. I'll have to go to the hospital for that one, since Dr. Herrmann (the ultrasound guy) retired. But, that's ok -- I'm also going to ask that they check the growth of Miss Lily at the same time. Kill two birds with one ultrasound. haha
I had similar concerns with Ryan and I didn't push hard enough to have him checked and sure enough -- he was rather smallish. So, I'm not letting it go this time. :)
So, just keep plugging away here! I'll have my next appt in October, then another in Nov and that's probably when I'll get sent to check all that stuff out. I'll probably ask more definitively in October. I was too tired to talk about it today, frankly.
Got some of Lily's room done -- two walls painted pink and I just have to do the touch ups with the white paint now. Maybe Jake will have to. :) Nail some letters to the wall too. I have to think of more decorations. She has lots of walls to put crap on. haha
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