Saturday, November 5, 2011

31, 32 Weeks

Nothing much going on around here with Lily!

Turned 32 last week -- Jake helped out more and I got some nice gifts, so that was great! Including, sweet new iPhone! Life is complete now. haha

Had my next doc appt -- which was shorter than the one he had to leave for the previous time. Sort of frustrating, but I'll survive. I was sort of having some weird cramping by that time, but nothing consistent. But, Sunday, I must have just done too much when I was tired, because I had a really painful Braxton Hicks contraction and then they were pretty much around Monday and Tuesday -- I ended up at home Monday afternoon and at the doctor by Tuesday. BP was fine, urine was fine. Lily was fine and nothing was going on -- no dilation and she's not anywhere close to being down low. So, I just slept both afternoons and by Wednesday, I was doing much better. I still have them every once and a while, but nothing like Monday and Tuesday. Weirdness.

So, I have my ultrasound to re-check the placenta previa on Wednesday at 3pm. I'm also going to ask the tech very nicely if he/she can see if Lily is still Lily. I don't want no surprises. But, after that, I have an appt on the 17th to discuss...I want to know about scheduling the c-section. My next appt after that would be Dec 1st and then weekly after that, I believe.

I am sort of miserable by the end of the day. This one has been all aches and pains. Ryan -- I just sailed on through. This time, not so much. So, I'm definitely two and out. :)

Finally, I actually did some sewing this week! Finished a cuddle fleece blanket and one burp cloth. Lots more to go! :)